Tuesday 27 May 2014

Harolds bus

For those of you who don't know Harold is a talking giraffe who lives in a bus . He teachers you about life education .He travels from school to school. You never know he might teach at your school . You never know what he is going to teach you. He taught us about friendship and how to know what a good friend looks like. (Amy,Tyla,Logan)

Tuesday 20 May 2014

A new song

We started a new song today, "We are Brave" by Shawn McDonald. Remember you could practice it at home from you tube if you want. We will practice it again tomorrow!

Lyn was here :-)

Hello!!  I am sharing some skills with you about blogging.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Our Artwork of In the Beginning

Here is some of our art . . .

In the Beginning - Rangi and Papa

We have shared the story "In the Beginning" and we completed an art piece from the story.
We learnt how the legend tells of how there was just darkness, and Ranginui, Sky Father, and Papatuanuku, Earth Mother, had many children.
The children were tired of being cramped in the dark and they decided to push their parents apart.

Tanemahuta was able to push them apart and he then clothed his mother in trees and birds. Tane was guardian of the forest, Tangaroa became guardian of the sea, Tawhirimatea became god of the winds and Tumetauenga was guardian of war and peace.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Hello to my new visitors

I hope you got your newsletter, and I am hoping you are getting a good look at our blog. I hope you  can leave a comment.